Changelog ========= Changes in 0.5.0 (2013-04-27): ------------------------------ * feature: :issue:`10` add :attr:`Disc.mcn` and :attr:`Track.isrc` * feature: add :data:`LIBDISCID_VERSION_STRING` * feature: :issue:`28` add :attr:`Disc.seconds`, :attr:`Track.seconds` and aliases :attr:`Disc.length` and :attr:`Track.sectors` * :issue:`22` move :func:`read` and :func:`put` to module level * :issue:`25` provide a package `discid` rather than a module * :issue:`29` changed parameters for :func:`put` to include extra `sectors` and add :exc:`TOCError` * rename :class:`DiscId` to :class:`Disc` * fix: :issue:`27` move track attributes to :class:`Track` * fix: :issue:`24` only have "real" tracks in the list(s) (0 not special) * fix: :issue:`19` only read the requested features from disc (sparse) * fix: :issue:`26` remove :attr:`DiscId.webservice_url` (deprecated) * fix: detect the version of libdiscid 0.3.0 also in lib64 installations Changes in 0.4.0 (2013-04-09): ------------------------------ * feature: added :data:`FEATURES_IMPLEMENTED`, :attr:`DiscId.track_lengths`, :attr:`DiscId.webservice_url` and :attr:`DiscId.freedb_id` * feature :issue:`18`: disc access test suite * fix :issue:`21`: uninformative error on Windows Changes in 0.3.0 (2013-03-11): ------------------------------ * feature :issue:`20`: add :data:`FEATURES` list * feature: :func:`DiscId.put`, :attr:`DiscId.track_offsets`, :attr:`DiscId.sectors`, :attr:`DiscId.first_track_num`, :attr:`DiscId.last_track_num` * fix :issue:`17`: test fails on Mac OS X for default_device * fix :issue:`16`: prefer libdiscid in current directory * fix :issue:`15`: import can now raise :exc:`OSError` * fix :issue:`14`: find libdiscid in current folder (Linux/Unix) Changes in 0.2.1 (2013-01-30): ------------------------------ * fix :issue:`9`: test fails on Python 3.2 because of unicode literals Changes in 0.2.0 (2013-01-30): ------------------------------ * API change from :func:`DiscId.get_id` to :attr:`` * added :data:`DEFAULT_DEVICE` as a module constant * added :attr:`DiscId.submission_url` * added an actual documentation and links to linux packages * add tests and continuous integration configuration * add changelog Changes in 0.1.0 (2013-01-12): ------------------------------ * initial version with :func:`` and :func:`DiscId.get_id`